How Long is Now / Gina Soden


Presented by › ARTYQUE art agency

On the occasion of the European Month of Photography (EMOP)

Venue: aquabitArt gallery, Auguststrasse 35, 10119 Berlin-Mitte
Exhibition: 1. – 11. October 2020

Every day from 12-8 pm
Sunday from 12-5 pm

On the occasion of EMOP, visitors can dive into the abandoned spaces, captured with the sensitive lens of photographer Gina Soden, and tell their own story about the life lived there.

Curated and presented by ARTYQUE art agency, with lots of heart and soul.

Gina Soden is London based photographer devoted to the romantic beauty of ruins. She offers the viewer the chance to meditate on notions like the endurance of life through the inexorable passage of time and to contemplate more ethereal concepts like beauty and calmness despite the slow downfall of past dreams.