IM DIALOG / 2 / Wojtek Skowron + Ute Hoffritz
Wojtek Skowron, photography
Ute Hoffritz, sculpture
On the occasion of the European Month of Photography (EMOP)
Curated by Irina Ilieva
Venue: aquabitArt Gallery, Auguststrasse 35, 10119 Berlin-Mitte
Exhibition: 14 – 31 October 2020
26 – 31 October: open by appointment
0157/30086428 or 0176/74726699
Last day of exhibition: Saturday, 31 October
Open for visitors: 2-6 pm
Artists statement
We are pleased to have the opportunity to show “In dialogue / Im Dialog” a selection of our both works – photos and sculptures – in the gallery aquabitArt.
As a couple, we are constantly participating in the process of creating the work of our partner. But it is only in the course of time that it has become really clear to us, that despite the use of different media and approaches, there are essential commonalities in our basic artistic attitude.
Above all, for both of us the immediately perceptible has absolute priority over any concept or message that can be expressed in words.
Our work is our wordless commentary on the world, with it we express that which “one cannot talk about“.