Betreten Auf Eigene Gefahr / Pascal Brateau
Site-specific installation
Betreten auf eigene Gefahr / Enter at your own risk
A suggestion to change perspective
Artist/Architect: Pascal Brateau (FR)
Exhibition curator / Irina Ilieva
Artist Talk: Saturday, 30. June 2018, 17h
During Art+Architecture Weekend (30. June+1. July 2018)
Venue: aquabitArt gallery, Auguststrasse 35, 10119 Berlin-Mitte
Exhibition: 22. June – 13. July 2018
The exhibition is supported by:
aquabitArt gallery and Maison de l’architecture de Lorraine
The site-specific artistic intervention “Betreten auf eigene Gefahr / Enter at your own risk” by the French artist architect › PASCAL BRATEAU aims to establish a certain “space turn-around“, based on the urban context and volume of the venue. The artworks between sculpture and architectural arrangement explore the space of the gallery – in particular the two existing levels and the small staircase, which connects them. The installation focuses on the opportunity to explore the environment, by changing the usual perspective.
The exhibited artworks question the image and perception of the house in the collective consciousness as secure, but vulnerable space for existence. Essential in this artistic intervention is the ambiguity of the works: the central piece, the poetical wooden structure “Vanité / vanity” applies the principle of palindrome (reading the same backward as forward), focusing on the duality of emptiness and abundance; the supposed transparency of “palito’s house” depicts a closed and inaccessible fence; the drawing-sculptures “casa dos bicos” and “exTRAIT” contain the act of violence and at the same time demand the feeling of security.
“Betreten auf eigene Gefahr / Enter at your own risk” refers to the possibility to explore the construction on your own risk, but it appears further as indication for our own responsibility for taking decisions, for choosing certain points of view and building according opinions as a result.
The Exhibition is part of the new › Architecture+Art Weekend (30. June + 1. July 2018), which relates to the the Theme “Berlin Remixing” of Festival “Make City” (14. June – 1. July 2018) and the “Tag der Architektur” (23. + 24. June 2018). This context gives further opportunities for creative dialogue between artists and architects, urban planners, landscape designers and city governments.
“Regarding the relationship between artists and city-makers, the public and private place is a difficult common ground, strewn with misunderstandings. We wish to interlock these close disciplines and offer playground for discussion.” Pascal Brateau in 2017